Patchy O’Puncture

A patchwork of parts, put together over the years, Patchy can barely remember his name let alone his background. He likes living in Snape nowadays. He’s talkative and loves the open road. His latest rider (there have been so many) is a competitive type who lacks the money for a really top-notch machine. So Patchy has had a rude awakening to the modern world of mountain biking. His old aching forks have been changed, gears up-rated and a rather embarrassing, garish paint job now portrays him as something he isn’t.

He likes the events though. During his breaks he gets to talk to the youngsters about days past when he had all his original parts and mountain biking was fresh and new. In those days health and safety wasn’t what it is today and riders would often get into bother – he’s had a good few over his handlebars – it was a time for courage and, quite literally, breaking ground!

He’s looking forward to seeing who’s crowned King of the Mountain this year.